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  1. From the article below as we can see, sex issues became glamors especially among teenagers. This is the serious problem because sex issues is for an adults who are already marriage not for the 15 years old girl who is still studying.
    In my opinion, I absolutely disagree with this article. This is because, the girl is studying and she must concentrate with her studies first before she think about sex. She still young to think about it. This is because she could not concentrate with her study anymore after she do sex, because teenagers after once they do it, they want more and more. It can make them will not care anymore about their study.
    Not only that, in Islam,teenagers especially girl who is still not marriage or young cannot do sex with his girlfriend or her boyfriend. They only can do sex after marriage. So, as a Muslim, we must follow our religion rule to avoid something bad happen to us. There is many benefits why we should follow it.
    The other point why I disagree with this article because miscarriage case become higher if girls who is still young are pregnant. This is because her boyfriend must not being responsible to be father for a baby. It can make girls will take a short way by miscarry the baby
    Last point is if the girl do sex with her boyfriend now, it is not sure whether their boyfriend will become her husband one day. If their boyfriend left her, it will make the girl life became dark. As we already know, man who want to make the girl as his wife, the girl should still has virgin. Not all man can accept their future wife did not has virgin to be their wife.
    As conclusion, teenagers especially girl must concentrate with their studies first before think about sex. Parents should play their main role to make sure their children not involve in sex.
